
Haikyuu!! The kiss (Bokuto Koutarou)

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Literature Text

tumblr oaiay1Apjf1vtsqgxo1 1280 by Maryppe

~ kiss on the thigh/leg expresses control/obedience/lust ~


(Name)'s finger lightly rode the path across the book, her eyes followed the gold-printed letters: 'Interesting facts about the owls.' She took the book from the shelf and sat in the corner of her living room. She deftly rummaged through the pages, but her gaze was focused to some other place.

Her brother Akaashi Keiji had a study session with some of his friends, including (Name)'s serious crush, Bokuto Koutarou. Ever loud and energetic captain looked so damn cool in casual clothes, she thought. Black and white checkered shirt with the sleeves rolled up and dark blue jeans, such a simple outfit and yet so delightful to his person. Then, (Name)  caught the intense eyes of her brother and she judged it was time to do some reading. 

(Name) sent to Keiji one fleeting smile and lowered her eyes down to the book in her lap. 

"Many owl species have asymmetrical ears. When located at different heights on the owl’s head, their ears are able to pinpoint the location of sounds in multiple dimensions. Ready, aim, strike."

(Name) raised her eyes. Bokuto was seated on the chair's armrest right there where his friend Sarukui Yamato was with the notes in his hands. Both boys were absorbed in their reading that neither of them were able to hear the desperate calling of their teammate Konoha Akinori. "Bokuto. Oi, Bokuto-" (Name) chuckled to herself when she watched the poor boy tugged at Bokuto's sleeve, trying to get his attention. "Oi, ace! Hear me out, you bastard-!"

In vain. Bokuto pursed his lips, tilted his head to the side and narrowed his golden eyes. And (Name)'s cheek erupted into the red mess upon seeing this cuteness of the owl's captain. She snapped her eyes back to the book.

"The eyes of an owl are not true 'eyeballs.' Their tube-shaped eyes are completely immobile, providing binocular vision which fully focuses on their prey and boosts depth perception."

She couldn't resist and she locked her gaze at the Fukurodani ace again. "Where is it, Akaashi?" Bokuto asked helplessly, his voice at the edge of whining. 

"Bokuto-san, it's right in front of you." (Name)'s brother calmly pointed out with his finger at the blue book on the table.

"Where-?!"  Bokuto wildly spinning around its axis, hands gripped at his two-colored hair. "Where the fuck-?"

Akaashi sighed tiredly. "Bokuto-san, please watch your language. My sister is here."

"Oh!" The captain turned swiftly to face (Name), his round eyes found hers immediatelly. "Sorry, (Name)." He flashed her one fancy smile making her heart stop. 

(Name) was captivated by the animalistic wildness in his look. Even though he couldn't find a book that was right in front of him just a minute ago, now he clearly saw everything she possessed. His fierce eyes screamed at her all predatory emotions that rightly belonged to a hunting machine named Bokuto Koutarou. And he knew what kind of effect it had on her. He was pleased how deep inside of her he could go just by mere sight. And he wanted more.

Deep breath almost ripped through her whole being when Bokuto caught his bottom lip between his teeth. His eyes still burned her very own shaking soul. "Ye-yeah, okay."  Was all she could say, then her eyes tried to decipher the letters on the page, which suddenly ceased to make sense as if they have changed into the encoded cipher.

Akaashi Keiji was a great setter, but he missed completely the fact, that his sister became the hunted prey and the hunter was hungry beast. He was the friend, the captain and the most important, Bokuto was an Ace.

"Owls can rotate their necks 270 degrees. A blood-pooling system collects blood to power their brains and eyes when neck movement cuts off circulation."

Back to his usual self, Bokuto again sat casually at the armrest. Reading something from the Akaashi's notes. "Nee, nee Bokuto-" Komi Haruki tapped Bokuto's shoulder enthusiastically. He showed his cellphone in the bad angle causing that Bokuto had to turn around his head. 

"What?" He muttered endearingly his question while he turned around, but unfortunatelly the place where he sat didn't provide enough of space. With the loud thud he landed on his back. The whole room exploded in laughter, (Name) couldn't help herself, but she had to join, too. Bokuto jumped furiously on his feet, rubbing the back of his head. "That's not funny at all!" He pouted, cheeks flushed. "(Nameee)~ Comfort me~" He whined towards the said girl.

"Bokuto-san, please..." Akaashi's eyebrows twitched, earned from the others another dose of laughter. (Name) could not convince her heart to stop beating like unhinged, nor she couldn't stop herself to fall deeper and deeper in love with this mystic creature called Bokuto Koutarou.

"Owls hunt other owls. Great Horned Owls are the top predator of the smaller Barred Owl."

This sentence was highlighted with yellow marker pen. (Name)'s hands started to shake. Not because of fear, no. Not because she doesn't feel well, no. Quite otherwise. She was not afraid of anything, she was happy and excited for the upcoming night. She felt great. She felt hot inside. And eagerly. 

This book was present from Bokuto when she entered the Fukurodani academy. When she recieved it, he handed the book to her open on this exact page number 42 and the fact about the Horned owl was already marked. And (Name) knew what exactly he tried to say to her. Bokuto was the predator and she was his prey, the small cute owl. And shamelessly she liked it. 

She loved the way he handled her. Slowly at the beggining, teasingly until she beg for him. And then expertly and longingly at the end, almost roughly sometimes. Like a true hunter that play victoriously with his trophy.

She loved the fact that he has so much power over her. He held all her desires locked under his sharp gaze, making sure that no other male is able to touch even the one hair on her body. All from her belonged to him. Only he could exclusively master all her emotions that yearned for his attention. And he gladly accepted her. Her obedience, her lust, everything he held locked under his control.

(Name) closed the book slowly, her eyes never leaving Bokuto's strong arms. Oh, how she wished to be locked in those arms already. Dreamily, her eyes slid over his elbows on his shoulders, to his neck. All this time in her mind she actually imagined her hands, not her eyes, that rode the path against various parts of his admirable anatomy. 

(Name) took the sweet time to closely observe his Adam's apple that moved up and down whenever he swallowed or laughed. His absolutelly sophisticated jaw with molded chin and finally those lips. So delicious and kissable, sensual and teasing with haphazard sly grin. Wait, a grin?

(Name) blinked few times, then she met his golden orbs that stared right back at her, deeply into her core and eating her alive. He totally caught her as she stared at him. How embarrassing. She was sure that she wore a lewd expression and he saw it.

(Name) quickly rose to her feet, averted her eyes from him. She placed the book back on the shelf, excused herself that it's getting late and then politely bowed to the boys and went up to her room. 

When she turned on the shower, the excitement inside her chest grew rapidly. Now she just needed to get ready and wait until the night plunges everything into darkness, and everyone deep into the world of dreams. Everyone, except for the two young people.


(Name) stared into space, better said, up to her ceiling. In her room ruled the dark, the only light that lit the lonely black room were the rays of the moon that shone in through the blinds. She waited.

And waited.

The clock ticking uncomfortably disturbed the rare silence that hit her ears as a waves of torture. But this silence was a sign of something good. The only person that was under the same roof as (Name) was her brother Keiji and as the atmosphere said to her, he was already asleep. Their parents went to visit their auntie and decided to stay there for whole week. Bingo.

For the last time (Name) took a deep breath. In and out. She rose from her bed and headed towards her door.


Bokuto tugged his hands into the pockets before he checked the time. 1:41 AM. He sighed a small puff of steam and shivered as the night chilled him to the bone. 

He felt miserable, as a thief in the night. As a criminal that waited for his confederate in order to start a secret operation, which indeed can satisfy them, but it can hurt the others. He couldn't help but sigh over his pathetic treachery against Akaashi.

And where the hell is she? He thought while he furrowed his silver eyebrows. She said at 1:30. What if Akaashi caught her? Damn it. The anxiety took a great grip over his chest. "Damn-" His whisper sounded rather guilty than angry.

But then immediately his senses sharpened when the front door cracked open. "Come in." (Name)'s whisper invited him in a rush and all his doubts and worries were replaced by exciting enthusiasm and he quickly followed her in. 

Bokuto quietly slipped into (Name)'s room and the said girl was more than quick when her hands found their way around his waist. She flushed her face between his vanes and tightened her grip. "I missed you." Her whisper was muffled by his coat which was still wafting by the night cold.

The captain let out a few giggling as he was obviously ticklish. "You just saw me a couple of hours ago." He placed his cold hands over her warm ones and turned her to face him. 

Their eyes met and (Name) felt her world exploded with the unforeseen tenderness that was held deeply in his golden orbs. Her face grew hotter and he saw it, too as he cupped her blushed cheeks and finally graced her lips with his attention.

Her hands slowly splayed against his chest and after few seconds of blind searching her fingers found the zipper and pulled it down. Bokuto was too preoccupied with her lips to notice that  she undressed his coat already. He kissed her blissfully, it was slow and breathtaking as if it was their first time and with the slight tilt of his head he deepened the kiss enough to let their tongue entwined passionately. 

But as it says, nothing lasts forever. Even this heavenly kiss was interrupted by Bokuto's irritated growl. He tore his lips from (Name)'s soft ones, leaving her flushed and confused, breathless.

"We have to tell him." He spoke quietly, adorable pout settled upon his lips. 

"Eeh-" (Name) gripped the hem of his checkered shirt. "What?"

"We need to tell Akaashi the truth." Bokuto stated firmly, turning his sharp gaze to meet her eyes. The final depth of his words leave no room for arguments.

"Okay." (Name) turned her eyes aside. "But I'm worried."

"No need." The owl captain lifted her chin and pecked her lips softly. "No matter what your brother say, I won't abandon you. I just don't want to hide anymore. Especially not in front of Akaashi." His hands slowly felt her curves. Slid the way down to her hips, make her shiver in anticipation. "But now~" He sneered smugly. "Let's finish what we started."

Bokuto led her slowly towards her bed, nibbling at her lips teasingly and smiled as he watched her grew irritated. When she tried to catch his lips he always pulled back. Soon than she expected (Name) found herself flat on her back, Bokuto knelt between her legs and let her watch him as he slowly unbuttoned his shirt. 

(Name)'s breath quickened drastically when he let his shirt slipped from his shoulders smugly, his predatory gaze never left her face. "Like it?" He purred, his tongue poked out to lick on his lower lip.

(Name) averted her eyes, face decorated with deep red hue. "Shu-shut up, you dork." She whispered, embarrassed at her own simplicity. Of course she liked it. She liked everything about him. From his spectacular hairstyle, extraordinary sense of humor and his caring personality, up to his exceptional love that comes in various ways. His love could be dumb, loud, agressive, energetic, moody, gentle or childish. Any kind of love she desired, Bokuto could provide. 

"What if my brother won't appro-" 

Whatever she was about to say, Bokuto did not want to listen. Her lips were sealed with his deep kiss, soon moved down to taste her neck and collar bones. Meantime his hands traveled up to her thighs, rolled up her nightshirt and passionately sqeezed her.


"Hush-" Bokuto silenced her one more time. He lowered himself and placed delicate kiss at her inner thigh, earned  a soft gasp from her lips. Pleased with her response, he continued to kiss her at the same spot.

"Kou." (Name) breathed out, entwined her hands in his heavily styled hair, ruffled them instantly. 

He was right, she should be quiet now. (Name) didn't want to ruin this precious moment. They have almost no opportunity to meet, so this was like early Christmas for them. 

This desire was so simple. She craved for him, for his kisses, his touch. (Name) would do anything for him, she would offer her all to him, the only thing she wanted in exchange was his everything.

She wanted to be loved by him, gently and roughly at the same time. She wanted to be kissed by him, blissfully and possessively. To stay in his arms forever.

It was scary when she realized how enormous control he had over her. It was terrifying, but it also satisfied her. Anything from her he would ask, she would be very happy to meet his demands. And even though Bokuto knew this fact, he would never misuse her obedience for his own good and pleasure.

He loved her equally same. And Bokuto knew that very often it was (Name) who set the pace in their relationship, even though she herself was not aware of it.

Then (Name) lost even the slightest drop of sanity that was left in her. Bokuto loved her through the all night in the most delicious way and thus filled all her wishes...


>next day<

Akaash silently watched interlaced fingers of two young people. He wasn't really sure how he supposed to feel about this relationship. His sister obviously refused to meet his eyes, but on the other hand Bokuto gave him really intense and somehow annoyed stare.

The Fukurodani setter sighed and closed his eyes. "I knew it." Was all he said and then locked his gaze at his sister again. "Is this what you want?"

"Akaashi!" Bokuto felt to be insulted. "Don't talk like I'm not here!"

"Unfortunatelly Bokuto-san, I know you're here." Akaashi's face unfazed. "I'm just asking my sister, if she's really okay with someone like you."

"What the hell you mean with someone like me?!" Bokuto pouted. "Am I not good enough for her?!"

"No, I never said that." Akaashi sighed once again. "I'm just saying-"

"I love him." (Name)'s declaration shocked both boys. "I love Kou. I want to be with him." Her voice was tacit, her cheeks flushed. "I love him, onii-chan." This time she faced him properly, leaving Akaashi in awe.

"Ooh~ (Name)-chan..." Bokuto was at the verge of tears. "I love you, too, my cute little owl!"

Akaashi felt slight disgust upon hearing Bokuto's sweet talk. But without any comment he just cleared his throat. "Fine." He smiled gently at his sister. "Just to let you know, Bokuto-san is very capable."

"Eh? Am I?" Bokuto widened his eyes at the setter.

An irritated look settled at Akaashi's face. "Indeed you are, surprisingly and unexpectedly. What I'm trying to say is, that he can protect you (Name) and I'm sure that he will never hurt you. At least not consciously I guess." He looked at the captain. "And I respect you a lot, Bokuto-san. Please take good care of my sister." He bowed.

"Akaashi! You're the man!" Bokuto's face lit up and he continuously slapped setter's back. "Hey, hey, hey, call me big bro from now on!" He laughed loudly.

And that was the moment when Akaashi snapped. He realized that this annoying Bokuto, childish Bokuto, moody Bokuto, Bokuto with at least 37 weaknesses, this guy will be by his side. Probably forever from now on.

Akaashi cringed. "Geh...Bokuto-san, please break up with my sister, immediatelly."

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